Funeral Home Chief Kills Man in Morgue to Blackmail Own Wife

Bratislava, April 27 (TASR) – Undertaker Jozef Kiraly has been sentenced by the Supreme Court to 23 years in prison for a premeditated murder committed two years ago in a morgue in the village of Sunava (Presov region), TASR learnt on Tuesday.
Kiraly stabbed to death a man identified only as Roman A. He then inserted the corpse into a body bag, loaded it into the boot of his car and took it home. He then disposed of it with the help of his wife. According to the court, Kiraly’s plan was to blackmail his wife with active participation in a murder so that she’d change her mind about divorcing him.
Kiraly last year confessed to killing the man, but he denied that he had planned it.