Danko: SNS Will Support Any Government with Fico as Premier

The Slovak National Party (SNS) is ready to do its best for the new government be formed as soon as possible, SNS leader Andrej Danko said following the party's extraordinary congress on Saturday.

Danko: SNS Will Support Any Government with Fico as Premier
Slovak National Party leader Andrej Danko (photo by TASR) 

       Bratislava, October 7 (TASR) - The Slovak National Party (SNS) is ready to do its best for the new government be formed as soon as possible, SNS leader Andrej Danko said following the party's extraordinary congress on Saturday.
       Danko admitted that SNS has the ambition to be part of the government, but not at any cost. "We'll support any government with Robert Fico as premier," he stressed. "Even if the Smer-SD chairman decides to form the government with Voice-SD and KDH, we will accept it and back such a government," he added.
       According to Danko, the goal must be to end the mandate of Prime Minister Ludovit Odor's caretaker government as soon as possible. "Slovakia needs a different, social government and the government of the Progressive Slovakia's supporters must end as soon as possible," he said.
       At the same time, Danko claimed that the SNS parliamentary caucus will be united. He said that Smer-SD, Voice-SD and SNS leaders should meet next week. However, Voice-SD chairman Peter Pellegrini must first clearly say whether he's interested in joining the coalition with Smer-SD.
       Danko was re-elected as SNS chair at the party's extraordinary congress. In addition to the election of the party leader, delegates at the congress outlined the party's policy after the general election and strategy for the post-election negotiations.