Danko to Submit Various Alternatives of Resolution on US-Iran Conflict

Bratislava – Speaking on TA3’s programme ‘V politike’ (In Politics) on Sunday, Parliamentary Chairman and Slovak National Party (SNS) leader Andrej Danko said he will submit three different variants of a resolution reacting to the assassination of Iranian general Qasem Soleimani at the January parliamentary session.“The first resolution is the toughest one, it will condemn the initiative of the USA, as it has been doing what it wants in the world,” stated Danko. The second resolution will contain an actual and definitive withdrawal of Slovak soldiers following consultation with the Slovak Government. “The third alternative might be a declarative call on the European Union to finally wake up and start talking about co-operation between European armies,” said Danko.
Progressive Slovakia (PS)-Together coalition leader Michal Truban, who was also on the show, said he agrees with Danko in viewing the Iranian general’s assassination as a violation of international law. However, he labelled Danko’s reaction as hysterical. “Slovak soldiers are afraid the most of Mr. Danko worrying about them,” stated Truban. He criticised the parliamentary chairman for the status on the need for the government plane he published on a social network. Danko argued he only reacted to the statement by Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini’s (Smer-SD) who was the first to mention the government plane, thus disclosing classified information. “On Saturday morning it was already obvious that no government plane would be able to fly there. Please, judge my words in the context of time, place and space,” said Danko.
Concerning political party financing, Danko accused Progressive Slovakia of being financed by Anton Zajac, who also finances Dennik N daily that is viewed by the parliamentary chairman as a party newspaper. “You are financed by oligarchs who want to hand over Slovakia to the United States,” said Danko.
Truban rejected it, arguing that the PS-Together coalition has been disclosing its financing above the framework of the law and that it has been praised by Transparency International Slovensko NGO for that.
Concerning the party’s programme, Truban stated they’ve agreed with potential coalition partners on the priority issues of the health and education sectors and the judiciary.