Drucker Begins Collecting Signatures for Registration of New Party

Bratislava, August 14 (TASR) – Former health and interior minister Tomas Drucker (who acted in both posts as a Smer-SD nominee) on Wednesday announced that he will begin collecting signatures among the public this week to support the registration of his party Good Choice.
At least 10,000 signatures are needed for registration of a party at the Interior Ministry.
“Not only humaneness, solidarity and decency should be normal [in politics], but also programme and tangible results, mainly in areas where we have the biggest problem and the biggest debt toward the public,” said Drucker, adding that he’ll present an ambitious and experienced team soon.
It’s already been announced that Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini’s (Smer-SD) communication office chief Tomas Kuca will join Drucker, while speculations have emerged that MPs for Most-Hid Martin Fedor and Katarina Csefalvayova, and even Pellegrini could also switch to the new party.