Education Minister: I Believe Kollar Will Confront Thesis Scandal Head On

Bratislava, June 24 (TASR) – Education Minister Branislav Grohling (SaS) stated on Wednesday that he considers Parliamentary Chair Boris Kollar (We Are Family) to be “an honest man who knows how to confront things head on”, which is why he thinks that Kollar will react to the scandal regarding his thesis in this manner.
“I believe that he’ll explain the matter and make himself accountable, just as he usually does,” stated Grohling. The minister didn’t want to provide clear answers to questions regarding Kollar’s thesis, however, stating that he wants to wait for a further explanation and the verification of the suspicions. “We’ve arranged a meeting with Kollar, and we’ll talk about it. I want to acquaint myself with the case,” said Grohling.
At the same time, the minister stated that he has given an order to subject the University of Central Europe in Skalica (Trnava region), where Kollar obtained his master’s degree, to an inspection.