ElectionsEP24: President Reiterates Her Call to People to Vote in EP Elections

Bratislava, June 8 (TASR) - President Zuzana Caputova has once again called on voters to take part in the elections to the European Parliament (EP), doing so after she cast her vote in Pezinok (Bratislava region) on Saturday.
"These are important elections, as all elections are, because in each of them we can influence the future of Slovakia and in this case the future of the European Union, of which we are a part. It's been our living space for more than 20 years, a space that provides us with safety, security and, of course, economic prosperity," she noted.
The head of state pointed to the low voter turnout in the previous EP elections, expressing a hope that this year more people will come to present their opinion. Caputova estimates a higher turnout, explaining that in the past the EP elections were of interest to only part of the political spectrum, but this year all parties have mobilised their voters. "I think this mobilisation of voters can be a decisive factor in increasing turnout," she added.
A total of 23 political entities are running in the European Parliament elections. Slovaks elect 15 MEPs for a five-year term. They can circle up to two candidates from a single slate.