EP Elections: KDH Wants to Push Through Strong Slovakia in Safe Europe

Trencin, April 20 (TASR) - The Christian Democratic Movement (KDH) is going into the European Parliament (EP) elections with a programme focused on a strong Slovakia in a safe Europe, KDH leader Milan Majersky said following a meeting of the KDH national council in Trencin on Saturday.
"If Slovakia isn't strong and Europe isn't safe, the whole European Union (EU) project is useless to us. According to Majersky, a safe Europe will be when we give it back to the people," he said, adding that KDH is a safe guarantee of this.
Majersky maintains that sovereignty, peace and prosperity have often disappeared from the EU project, with various things happening that have called the whole project into question. In his view, there was "a lot of nonsense coming out of Brussels that was divorced from reality" and wasn't even understood by the people in Slovakia. "KDH has a clear answer to the problems of the people and their safety," he stated.
Leader of the Christian Democrats' slate and current MEP Miriam Lexmann said that the party is interested in strengthening Slovakia's role in the EU, the EU's security and the EU's protection of the dignity of every person in the EU. "We want to address the needs and problems of the people. We want the EU to stand up for the safety of citizens," said Lexmann, referring to geopolitical crises.
Slovaks will elect 15 MEPs for five-year terms on Saturday, June 8.