Far-right MEP Uhrik Apologises to SNP Museum Director for his Statements

Banska Bystrica, Augusta 6 (TASR) – MEP Milan Uhrik (far right People’s Party Our Slovakia/LSNS) apologised to Slovak National Uprising Museum’s general director Stanislav Micev over his statement made in TA3’s televised debate back in May 2017 that Micev had been communist-era’s “State Security worker, who reported people and snitched on them for money”, TASR learnt from Micev’s social network page on Tuesday.
“The wheels of justice turn slowly but grind fine, if only from time to time. The statements by Mr. Uhrik significantly affected my election bid for Banska Bystrica regional governor. I lodged a complaint in July 2017. Two years later, it wasn’t the court but the author of these untrue and misleading statmeents himself who admitted that I was right. And therefore, I’m now receiving an apology from the new MEP. Once he realized that my arguments to his statements are incontrovertible, he proposed a settlement,” Micev wrote in his post, adding that he’s free to publish the letter of apology under the court agreement.
“The given information that I publicly stated is untrue. I apologise to you for these untrue statements that damaged your honor, dignity as well as good reputation,” reads the letter from MEP Uhrik, dated from July 12.
“At the end of the day, even this upshot does me as much good as socks for a dead man, but despite it all, there’s a certain satisfaction in it at the very least,” responded Micev.
As a governor candidate, Micev informed Uhrik of his criminal complaint at a press briefing in Banska Bystrica in August 2017. He demanded a public apology and a symbolic compensation worth one euro. Back then, Uhrik responded: “I certainly won’t be apologising.”