Fico Concurs with Matovic: 'For a Decent Slovakia' a Political Organisation

Bratislava, July 24 (TASR) – Ex-premier Robert Fico (Smer-SD) concurs with opposition OLaNO leader Igor Matovic that For a Decent Slovakia initiative is no longer civic in character but rather a political organisation these days.
“It’s nothing but a regular youth political organisation of (Michal) Truban’s and (Andrej) Kiska’s parties, whose hunger for power knows no democratic bounds,” Fico commented in his video posted on a social network.
Fico averred that the goal behind public protests of 2018 wasn’t to express compassion and regret [with deaths of murdered journalists Jan Kuciak and his fiancee – ed.note] but to effectuate the collapse of the Government, early election and the rise of the current opposition to power. When that failed to materialise, For a Decent Slovakia has transformed from the vessel of a coup attempt into the youth political organisation it is today, he claimed.
On Tuesday (July 23), Matovic stated that For a Decent Slovakia is a political organisation of the incipient For People party and the coalition of Progressive Slovakia-Together. “(Protest organiser) Juraj Seliga serves today as Andrej Kiska’s right-hand man and it turns out that the deal on nixing the largest protest ever, the one that was 100-percent supposed to lead up to an early election, was no coincidence. Maybe it was just that Andrej Kiska didn’t have his party ready then [still serving as Slovak president at the time – ed.note] and wasn’t actually free to participate in politics,” said Matovic.
Representatives of the initiative responded with a claim that they have remained a civic organisation.
“No politician ever has given speech on any of our stages [then-president Andrej Kiska, who addressed the crowds, was treated as the non-partisan head of state -ed.note] and we have always put great emphasis… on avoiding any connections with any political party,” read their Tuesday statement. It adds that when Juraj Seliga chose to join politics, he terminated his membership of the initiative.