Fico: I Support Danko in Introducing Changes in Parliament

Fico: I Support Danko in Introducing Changes in Parliament

Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) supports Parliamentary Chairman Andrej Danko (Slovak National Party/SNS) in introducing changes in Parliament, he said on RTVS’s political discussion programme ‘Sobotne dialogy’ (Saturday Dialogues).

“I absolutely support Danko’s ambition to finally discipline the Opposition in Parliament,” said Fico. He expressed his outrage over the rhetoric used by the Opposition in Parliament, as well as over dressing of some MPs. “When I see some MPs coming to Parliament dressed up in T-shirts, it is dishonouring of parliament as such,” he added.

Fico expects hard but decent discussions to take place in Parliament, along with conflicts that have a point. “It should not be about somebody yelling for 30 minutes: you need to be hanged, you asshole. Do you think this is a parliamentary discussion? I am not going to listen to it,” added Fico.

Meanwhile, Fico admitted that some changes might be made to an amendment to the Rules of Procedure in the second and third reading.