Fico: Slovak-US Agreement Disadvantageous, Violates Slovakia's Sovereignty

Presov, January 5 (TASR) – The draft Defence Cooperation Agreement (DCA) between Slovakia and the USA is disadvantageous for Slovakia and violates the country’s sovereignty, opposition Smer-SD party leader Robert Fico told a news conference in Presov on Wednesday, adding that he’s not questioning Slovakia’s commitments in NATO.
“It is a treaty which, according to the Slovak Constitution, will have priority over the national legislation of Slovakia. Every single article of the proposed wording is in harsh contradiction to the understanding of sovereignty and the sovereignty of an independent country,” stated Fico.
According to Fico, the draft agreement gives the United States and its military “a free pass for the permanent presence of soldiers, civilian employees, contractors and family members in Slovakia for at least ten years.”
“I’ll ask my caucus mates never to back in Parliament the kind of agreement that is currently on the table,” said Fico.
The Slovak-US agreement would enable the American military to use the Slovak military airports at Malacky-Kuchyna and Sliac or, potentially, other specified facilities rent-free. The agreement is to last for ten years.
Defence Minister Jaroslav Nad (OLaNO) has stressed that the DCA is a standard international agreement. It would enable Slovakia to draw approximately $100 million for its Armed Forces. Any infrastructure built on Slovak soil and financed by the USA would remain the property of Slovakia. Nad has declared that the document fully respects Slovakia’s sovereignty.