Fico Stresses Need to Focus on Traditions and Holidays in Schools

Fico Stresses Need to Focus on Traditions and Holidays in Schools
Premier Robert Fico (photo by TASR)

Bratislava, November 2 (TASR) - Premier Robert Fico (Smer-SD) said that he'd like Slovak schools to take more account of traditions and national holidays following his meeting with Education Minister Tomas Drucker (Voice-SD) on Thursday.

Fico at the same called for more active communication between secondary schools and employers, a change in the admission of students to institutions of higher education and the need to reconsider the qualification requirements and specialisations of universities.

"[Slovakia] has one of the highest number of public holidays in the EU, but we see them only as days off, and we don't exactly see them as [opportunity for] fostering some healthy patriotism and self-esteem. Education could play a rather important role in this," said Fico.

With regard to secondary schools, Fico noted that he would like to see supply adapted to the needs of the labour market. According to him, the manner of admitting students from secondary schools to universities should also be addressed. "I don't think that universities are meant for C-grade students. I don't think that an individual has the right to get into a university just because they chose a university at which there are no entrance exams," remarked Fico.

The prime minister added that the need for higher education should be reconsidered in cases in which quality secondary education is sufficient, noting that many people go to university to get a diploma and not to work in their field of study.