Fico Wants Parliament to Address Surveillance of Opposition Representatives

Bratislava, October 26 (TASR) – Smer-SD head Robert Fico stated on Tuesday that he’ll propose that the ongoing parliamentary session should address the issue of surveillance and wiretapping of opposition representatives in the country.
The Smer head stressed in this regard that he wants Interior Minister Roman Mikulec (OLaNO), Prosecutor-General Maros Zilinka and Special Prosecutor Daniel Lipsic to attend the debate. Fico went on to remark that he’ll continue to meet lawyers in private to discuss injustice that, according to him, has been being done to former and current Smer nominees and representatives.
“I’ve held and will continue to hold such meetings in the future. I’ll do it in a manner that will prevent the police from surveilling and wiretapping me. I’m a politician with a very clear priority on his agenda. I’m talking about injustice that is being done to [former] opposition nominees, Smer representatives and people who are associated with Smer,” announced Fico, claiming that it’s his responsibility to meet lawyers and gain information.
As for the recently released surveillance video from a hunter’s cabin in which he’s seen with former interior minister Robert Kalinak, lawyer Marek Para, son of former police chief Tibor G. [name abbreviated for legal reasons] and entrepreneur Miroslav Bodor, Fico stated that everything that the public will learn from published transcripts of their debate in the cabin is what he has been reporting at public press conferences.
In addition, Fico claimed that he aims to inform the European Commission about the incident. In his opinion, the state wanted to spy on him and made up a story about the cabin being surveilled over suspicions of poaching.
Nevertheless, the Smer chief claimed that there’s no point in filing a criminal complaint in the case, despite the fact that he sees the entire incident as illegal.