Gal: Expressions of Anti-semitism Growing, Need to Deal with Problem

Bratislava, August 23 (TASR) – Not only in Slovakia, but also in other European countries, we’re being confronted more and more with an increase in hate speech stemming from anti-Semitism, with anonymous, ill-conceived and reckless expressions rapidly spreading, said Justice Minister Gabor Gal (Most-Hid) after meeting Israeli Ambassador to Slovakia Zvi Aviner Vapni on Thursday, adding that there’s a need to look for an effective tool to deal with the problem.
Vapni came to see Gal with a draft declaration, an initiative of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA). The declaration, which contains a unified international definition of anti-Semitism, has been adopted by several governments since 2016, including those of Austria, Romania, Bulgaria and Israel.
“If we are to fight effectively, there’s a need to determine a clear definition of the term ‘anti-Semitism’. If we know exactly what we’re fighting, the struggle is easier. And this declaration can help us a lot,” said Vapni. The material is of a declarative nature, and Gal said that he’d do his utmost to see it approved by the Slovak Government.
Zvi Aviner Vapni also invited the Slovak minister on an official visit to Israel. Gal accepted this, partly in connection with his priority relating to the wider use of electronic monitoring of convicted and other people. Slovakia uses technology from a Tel Aviv-based manufacturer. Gal’s visit to Israel should take place by the end of 2018.