Galko's Bid for House Vice-chair Rejected

Bratislava, September 12 (TASR) – Parliament turned down the candidacy of Lubomir Galko (Freedom and Solidarity) for the post of House vice-chair in its secret vote on Thursday.
“Only brute force prevails here, behind which is nothing but spite, hatred and the failure to honour any agreements,” claimed Galko, adding that the present Parliament lacks any political culture.
All that’s left to do is endure it until the upcoming parliamentary election, which is just around the corner, said the MP. He is confident that people will make their own opinion about what happened and voice it in the election.
When asked whether he’s sure that all members of his own party voted for him, Galko replied that he doesn’t see into anyone’s head. “I don’t worry about that at all. If the coalition had voted for me, I would have been elected,” he said.
Galko was nominated to the post by SaS, meant to replace Lucia Duris Nicholsonova in the wake of her election to the European Parliament.