Governor-elect Lunter Calling on Kotleba to Tell Date of His Office Departure

Banska Bystrica, November 21 (TASR) – Banska Bystrica regional governor-elect Jan Lunter on Tuesday called on outgoing governor Marian Kotleba of far-right People’s Party Our Slovakia (LSNS) to finally determine the place, date and time when he can take over the office, TASR learnt on Tuesday.
At the same time, Lunter called on Kotleba to stop acting in a way that damages the interests of the region.At the same time, Lunter called on Kotleba to stop acting in a way that damages the interests of the region. People from Lunter’s team told the press in Banska Bystrica that they have information that “the Banska Bystrica Office has been feverishly launching tenders in the last few weeks, working contracts are being modified at the last minute and the assets of the Banska Bystrica Regional Road Administration are being sold wastefully”.
Matej Bucko of Lunter’s team presented the latest findings from the Public Procurements Office (UVO) regarding tenders for the suppliers for reconstructing regional roads worth €8.5 million in total.
“UVO has carried out a probe and has stated that the current management of the region has violated the Public Procurement Act, which affected the whole process, including the short time for submitting bids. UVO is set to act further and Banska Bystrica region is facing fines of up to five percent of the sum of these commissions. We’re calling on the current leadership not to continue acting in such a way,” said Bucko.