Gov't: Amounts of Tax Bonus and Child Allowance to Increase

Bratislava, May 18 (TASR) – The amount of the tax bonus is expected to be increased to ensure higher net disposable income in households with children where at least one parent works, while the group of taxpayers claiming the tax bonus is to be expanded, according to the draft law on financing the child’s leisure time prepared by the Finance Ministry and approved by the Government on Wednesday.
Apart from this, the child allowance is set to increase to €30 a month from July this year and to €50 per month from January 2023. The Cabinet also suggests that Parliament should discuss the measures in a fast-tracked legislative procedure.
Meanwhile, children from five to 18 years of age will be given €50 each month for leisure activities, according to the draft law on financing children’s leisure time approved by the Government on Wednesday. The Cabinet proposes to discuss the law in a fast-tracked legislative procedure.
“The new law on funding children’s leisure time aims to support children’s leisure activities in the field of education, sports and culture through a financial contribution so that these activities are more accessible to the largest possible group of children,” said the Finance Ministry.