Health Professionals from Denmark and Belgium to Come to Help Slovakia

Bratislava, March 11 (TASR) – Health professionals from Denmark and Belgium will arrive in Slovakia on Friday to help the country deal with the critical situation in the health-care sector, Health Ministry State Secretary Peter Stachura announced on Thursday.
“There should be eight health professionals from Denmark (three doctors and five nurses) and three health professionals from Belgium (two doctors and one nurse). All of them will work at the F.D. Roosevelt Faculty Hospital in Banska Bystrica,” said Stachura, adding that the Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Ward can make use of at least four extra beds thanks to their help.
According to Stachura, the situation in hospitals is bad due to the coronavirus pandemic, with still more beds being occupied. Transporting patients is ever more demanding. “It’s not always possible to move patients successfully. We usually manage to move three to four out of 15 patients,” said the state secretary, adding that willingness to move among patients is very limited.
The Government asked for foreign help for this reason. Poland and Germany lent a helping hand to Slovakia in this regard with five patients being treated in Polish hospitals and three in German facilities. However, the priority is for Slovak patients not to be transported abroad, said Stachura, admitting that patients’ relatives are often unwilling to see them moved.
The state secretary said that all the transfers of patients abroad were successful. One patient in Germany has already been disconnected from artificial lung ventilation. However, moving patients is demanding also in terms of bureaucracy.
Stachura characterised current developments in the health-care sector as slightly positive, with the figures topping out or dropping moderately. He believes that the situation in anaesthesiology and intensive care wards will be stabilised in two weeks.