Heger: Meeting at SIS Didn't Concern Vladimir P. or Any Active Cases

Bratislava, May 21 (TASR) – Prime Minister Eduard Heger (OLaNO) has rejected speculation on Friday that the meeting held by top constitutional officials and other senior state representatives in the Slovak Intelligence Service’s (SIS) headquarters on Monday (May 17) concerned arrested SIS ex-director Vladimir P. [name abbreviated due to legal reasons] or any other active cases.
According to Heger, the meeting was held based on his initiative, as he wanted state officials to familiarise themselves with details on some intelligence information.
Heger didn’t rule out organising such working meetings in the future as well.
According to the premier, the Government promotes law, justice and order. “We adhere to the credo we promised our citizens that we are all equal before the law and there are no exceptions for anyone. It’s precisely in this spirit and for this purpose that a working meeting was held in SIS on Monday,” he said.
President Zuzana Caputova, who also took part in the meeting, distanced herself on Thursday (May 20) from the allegations in the media about the content of the meeting of constitutional officials at the SIS headquarters. According to her, at the meeting they didn’t discuss the case of Vladimir P. nor any other cases that are currently being resolved by the law enforcement bodies.
The meeting at SIS was allegedly attended by about ten people, including top constitutional officials. The topic was reportedly the suspicion that the investigation of some big corruption cases could be manipulated. The media reported that the case of SIS ex-head Vladimir P. was also mentioned in this context.
The opposition demands an explanation for this “secret meeting”. Smer-SD wants to initiate a special parliamentary session at which Premier Heger should explain the meeting involving state representatives at the headquarters of the Slovak Intelligence Service. Smer-SD talks about the disintegration of the rule of law and the democratic state as well as about influencing the investigation of several cases.