Heger Meets Outgoing US Ambassador, Praises Excellent Cooperation

Bratislava, May 13 (TASR) – Premier Eduard Heger (OLaNO) received outgoing US Ambassador to Slovakia Bridget Brink on Friday, TASR has learnt from the Government Office.
Heger at the meeting praised the excellent cooperation, both in the field of bilateral relations, as well as in the transatlantic area.
The premier thanked the ambassador for a strong alliance within NATO, as well as for providing the ground-to-air missile system Patriot to Slovakia. “This step strengthened Slovakia’s defence at the time when Russia invaded our eastern neighbour, Ukraine,” stressed Heger.
Brink will assume the post of US Ambassador to Ukraine soon. The premier wished her good luck in her new post. “On behalf of Slovakia, I would like to reiterate that we will continue to use all available tools to help Ukraine in the fight to preserve its sovereignty and territorial integrity. Together with our partners in the European Union and NATO we will cooperate in ending the fighting as soon as possible and bringing peace to Ukraine so that it could begin its recovery,” added Heger.