Heger: Throwing Country into Election Merry-go-round Right Now Irresponsible

Bratislava, October 9 (TASR) – It would be irresponsible to throw the country into a snap-election merry-go-round during an energy crisis, Prime Minister Eduard Heger (OLaNO) wrote on his Facebook account on Sunday evening, opining that a snap election is the last resort that the country should go for if state institutions cease to work.
The premier remarked that despite the fact that the Government is in a minority in Parliament, it’s approved salary hikes for medical staff, important bills concerning energy and an aid worth €200 million for the elderly.
As for recent obstructions in Parliament, which could continue this week, Heger said that he views them as political pressure for a snap election. “Opposition MPs know full well that ordinary people are in for a rough time if we don’t give them a helping hand. They are the ones who need support in Parliament, but you are turning your backs on them; not on our Government, but the public, for the sake of a vision of your own benefit,” he wrote, maintaining that the interest shown by Smer-SD head Robert Fico and Voice-SD leader Peter Pellegrini in a snap election is insincere in relation to the public.