House: Opposition Initiates No-confidence Motion in Sutaj Estok

Bratislava, November 20 (TASR) - MPs from the opposition Progressive Slovakia (PS), Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) and Christian Democratic Movement (KDH) parties are initiating a no-confidence motion in Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok (Voice-SD), said SaS MP Juraj Krupa and PS leader Michal Simecka at a press conference on Wednesday.
The MPs want to submit the motion this week. They criticise Sutaj Estok for the current state of the Police Corps and his failure to address bomb threats at schools. They also accuse him of bullying investigators and spreading hoaxes.
"Matus Sutaj Estok is 'bad' for our country. He is bad for the safety of our people. I am absolutely sure that we can have an interior minister and a government that genuinely cares about the safety of our people, but with Matus Sutaj Estok in the executive, that won't happen," stated Simecka.