Interior Minister Condemns Incident in Front of Pellegrini's House

Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok (Voice-SD) held a news conference on Friday to condemn an incident that took place on Thursday (May 30) in front of a house used by president-elect Peter Pellegrini.

Interior Minister Condemns Incident in Front of Pellegrini's House
Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok (photo by TASR)

Bratislava, May 31 (TASR) - Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok (Voice-SD) held a news conference on Friday to condemn an incident that took place on Thursday (May 30) in front of a house used by president-elect Peter Pellegrini.
        A man drove up to the house in a car and allowed his child sitting in the back seat, who was wearing a mask, to point a dummy gun at the house. The incident was recorded by a security camera. The police are dealing with the case and the offender has already been identified.
        "It could have easily happened that an open window and a weapon in hand would be evaluated by members of the Office for the Protection of Constitutional Officials or the police as a security threat. And with one wrong move by a person who puts on a mask and holds a weapon or a dummy weapon in his hand, the situation could have ended with a real tragedy," stressed the minister, adding that the man thus put the life of his own child at risk. The minister pointed to the increased security measures following the attempt on Premier Robert Fico's (Smer-SD) life.
        Sutaj Estok once again called for an easing of tension and self-reflection among all those who form public opinion. He also rejected expressions of approval regarding a crime or hate speech on social networks. The police are currently dealing with over 50 such cases.