Interior Minister Mikulec Survives House No-confidence Vote

Bratislava, March 30 (TASR) – Interior Minister Roman Mikulec (OLaNO) will remain in his post, as Parliament didn’t oust him in a no-confidence motion held at an extraordinary session on Wednesday.
Only 46 lawmakers voted for his ouster out of 102 present, with 51 MPs voting against and 48 being absent.
MPs from the coalition ‘We Are Family’ didn’t come to the vote, opposition lawmakers voted for Mikulec’s ouster, coalition MPs voted against, while some members of the Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) caucus abstained from the vote.
The extraordinary meeting was initiated by Smer-SD. According to the opposition, the minister is unable to manage the refugee crisis caused by the war in Ukraine and has entrusted it to small private companies.
The opposition argued that Mikulec is avoiding responsibility for the crisis, although he had sufficient time to prepare and coordinate with other members of the Government and local authorities. It considers the contracting of private companies for the coordination of activities at the border to be dubious as the companies won public contracts by direct negotiation without transparent public procurement.