Interior Ministry Registers Drucker's Good Choice Party

Bratislava, October 7 (TASR) – The Interior Ministry registered the new party of former health and interior minister Tomas Drucker called ‘Good Choice’ [Dobra volba in Slovak] on Monday, TASR learnt from the ministry’s press department on the same day.
The party delivered almost 30,000 signatures to the ministry in early September. At least 10,000 signatures are required to register a party.
The Good Choice team includes current MPs Katarina Csefalvayova and Martin Fedor, Drucker told a news conference on Thursday. Drucker will also co-operate with Tomas Kuca, who has already worked with him at the Slovak Post Office, the Health Ministry, and was Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini’s (Smer-SD) communications office chief until recently. His team will also feature lawyer and Police Academy rector Lucia Kurilovska, former journalist Anna Ghannamova, who is now engaged in the social field, and the former chief of Vseobecna zdravotna poistovna health insurer Miroslav Kocan.
The party’s priorities are strong pro-family policy, fair health care for all, decent care for pensioners and vulnerable citizens, a well-functioning and honest state, self-sufficient farming policy, regional policy, and support for science, research and tourism.
At a news conference in September Drucker said that he has reservations towards certain people in the Smer-SD leadership and views Smer leader Robert Fico as a person with whom he would have a problem if he participated in the country’s governance in any way. Despite this, he didn’t rule out co-operation with Smer-SD, nor would he exclude Andrej Kiska’s For the People party.
Over 150 political parties and movements are registered in Slovakia.