Kalinak: Spaniards Take over Command of NATO Unit in Slovakia

Kalinak: Spaniards Take over Command of NATO Unit in Slovakia
Defence Minister Robert Kalinak (stock photo by TASR)

        Lest, July 1 (TASR) - A Spanish contingent is taking over command of the NATO unit in Slovakia, Vice-Premier and Defence Minister Robert Kalinak (Smer-SD) told a press conference on Monday.
        On this occasion, a ceremonial muster was held at the premises of the Lest Training Centre in Banska Bystrica region. The multinational battle group has been commanded by the Czech Republic until now.
        Kalinak stated that in two years the Czech Republic has shown how cooperation between several countries should work, adding that Romania and Turkey will join from the beginning of July when the transformation of this multinational battle group into a brigade starts. "As a host country we're trying to create good conditions, after these two years we know what we want to improve," he stressed.
        Lieutenant General of the Army of the Czech Republic Karel Rehka explained that a brigade grouping, as deployed in most countries, doesn't mean that there is an entire brigade. It's up to how nations decide. But the important thing is that the brigade capability is there. "It means being able to move people, equipment, supplies, and being able to replenish the brigade level very quickly if necessary," he stated.
        President Peter Pellegrini declared that Slovakia is and will be a full-fledged part of the Alliance. "Our membership creates a common space of values and security in which we can develop freely and at the same time participate in creating stability at the international level," he said.