KDH Founders Call on People Not to Support Korcok, Criticising Party's Attitude

Bratislava, April 3 (TASR) - The founders of the Christian Democrats (KDH) have said in a joint statement that they are calling on people not to support the election of Ivan Korcok as Slovak president, while criticising the current party leaders for cooperating with "progressives" and not putting up their own Christian presidential candidate.
"We're calling on all Christians who reject the negation of traditional and life-tested Christian values, attacks on the family and Slovak statehood not to be misled by KDH's stances and in no case to support the election of Ivan Korcok as president," said the KDH founders, adding that the current KDH represents "only some 'liberal Christians' who, for some reason, find it convenient to cooperate with the neo-Marxist Progressive Slovakia party".
According to them, KDH is becoming a "minion of the progressives" and is paving the way to power for them by its actions. "The inability to put up its own Christian presidential candidate who would represent all Christians and the support given to the liberal Ivan Korcok is a blatant demonstration of the crisis in which KDH has been for a long time," they claimed.
The joint statement was signed by Jan Carnogursky, Jan Klepac, Viliam Oberhauser, Ivan Tirpak, Anton Andras, Jozef Kuzma, Gabriel Smatana and Jan Kubis.
The current opposition KDH party "unequivocally" supports Korcok in the run-off round. According to KDH chairman Milan Majersky, Korcok is a guarantor of the values that the party represents. KDH supported him in the first round of the presidential election as well.
Round two of the presidential election, with Ivan Korcok and Peter Pellegrini as candidates, is due to take place on Saturday (April 6). Voters will choose the head of state for a five-year term.