Kollar Concedes His Party Might Leave Coalition If He's Forced to Resign

Bratislava, July 1 (TASR) – Parliamentary Chair Boris Kollar (We Are Family) conceded on Wednesday that his party could leave the governing coalition in reaction to the scandal concerning his master’s thesis.
He mentioned such a possibility before his meeting with the Freedom and Solidarity caucus, which wants to inquire into the scandal.
Kollar stated that if he were forced to resign, his party would probably have no other option than to leave the coalition. At the same time, the parliamentary chair stressed that he doesn’t mean to blackmail anyone.
“I [wouldn’t] have any other option than to leave the coalition. I couldn’t leave only the post of parliamentary chair. I’m not blackmailing anyone, everything is all right. I’m going to speak to my colleagues,” said Kollar.
The parliamentary chair reiterated that he wrote the thesis in line with the law. He met the OLaNO caucus on Monday. At the same time he stated that he wouldn’t meet the For the People caucus, which has called on him to step down.
SaS MP Ondrej Dostal stated before the meeting that he’ll tell Kollar to resign. “I don’t have any tool to force Boris Kollar to resign. In any case, I want to tell him that today,” Dostal told the media.
According to SaS MP Marian Viskupic, the caucus will urge Kollar to hold himself accountable in “some” way.