Kollar: I Asked Authorities Not to Protract Process in SIS Head Case

Kollar: I Asked Authorities Not to Protract Process in SIS Head Case

Bratislava, March 13 (TASR) – Parliamentary Chair and We Are Family leader Boris Kollar has asked at a press conference on Saturday all the authorities concerned to ensure that the process related to the case of detaining and charging the director of the Slovak Intelligence Service (SIS), identified only as Vladimir P., is not delayed or protracted so that “we can find very quickly who is behind this deed and why all this happened”.

Labour Minister Milan Krajniak (We Are Family) has asked why in this case there was no requirement for releasing him from his oath of confidentiality when in other SIS-related cases release from oath of confidentiality was demanded.

Krajniak pointed out that in the past, in the Lexa and Gorilla cases related to SIS, law enforcement bodies demanded to release witnesses and the accused from their oath of confidentiality before they testify. “Now the situation is different in that it’s possible to testify without being released from oath of confidentiality,” he said.

According to Krajniak, the resolution on pressing the charges says that it was raised mainly on the basis of one testimony of a former SIS member who wasn’t released from his oath of confidentiality. “If it is true that he should have been released from his oath of confidentiality, the entire accusation is procedurally [built] completely on water,” he said.

The We Are Family representatives don’t want to claim that “the deed didn’t happen”. “On the other way we say that something did happen. We strongly urge that it was checked as quickly as possible without sweeping under the rug. And that it was exactly stated who committed it and who is responsible for it,” said Krajniak, stressing that the responsible must bear responsibility.

Vladimir P. was arrested on Thursday (March 11) on suspicion of receiving a bribe from a business tycoon who is now in custody. President Zuzana Caputova temporarily suspended the SIS head from performing his service. Vladimir P., who is a We Are Family nominee, has been serving in the post since April 2020.