Kollar: Krajniak Returning as Labour Minister

Bratislava, April 7 (TASR) – We Are Family head Boris Kollar announced on Wednesday that ex-labour minister Milan Krajniak will be returning to his post, claiming that Prime Minister Eduard Heger (OLaNO) has agreed to it.
According to Kollar, President Zuzana Caputova has been notified about this and is ready to reappoint Krajniak as labour minister as early as on Friday.
“At the end of the day, we managed to talk [Krajniak] round, despite him being rather reluctant. This was probably We Are Family’s wisest solution. Following a discussion with the president, when our party presented different candidates for the post, we’ve reached consensus that We Are Family will propose to Prime Minister Heger that the Labour Ministry should again be headed by Milan Krajniak,” explained Kollar.
The We Are Family chair said that he and his party have taken note of the president’s remarks according to which the ministry should be led by someone who has enough experience with it during the pandemic.
“The president has promised me that she’ll do her utmost not to prolong this because the situation is grave, not only at the ministry, but also in the country,” remarked Kollar.
As for the vacant post of Slovak Intelligence Service (SIS) head, which was previously occupied by We Are Family nominee Vladimir Pcolinsky, now in custody charged with corruption, Kollar didn’t provide any new names of potential candidates on Wednesday. He did say that he’ll discuss the matter personally with the prime minister some time next week.