Kollar Wants Mikulec to Say How He Plans to Prevent Bullying of Children

Bratislava, January 6 (TASR) – Parliamentary Chair Boris Kollar (We Are Family) stated on his Facebook account on Thursday that he’ll seek to invite Interior Minister Roman Mikulec (OLaNO) to the next session of the Coalition Council in response to a recently reported case of an 11-year-old girl who was severely bullied by a group of teenagers in order to ask him how he plans to prevent bullying of children in the country.
“If necessary, I’ll call for an amendment to the Penal Code so that such children who bully others end up in re-education centres until they reach adulthood,” said Kollar, noting that society only learns about a fraction of such cases, so bullying needs to be addressed radically. According to him, the country must take a resolute stand against the bullying of children.
News outlet noviny.sk reported on Wednesday that a group of teenagers aged 14-16 beat up an eleven-year-old girl in Miloslavov in Bratislava region on January 2, forcing her to drink alcohol and undressing her on the premises of a former farm, all the while taking pictures and recording the incident on a phone. They later released the photos and footage on the internet.
According to media reports, this probably isn’t the first time that the group has done something like this, as the teenagers have allegedly attacked other children in the past.
The police have been treating the case as theft so far, but they haven’t ruled out the possibility that they could change their approach.