Lajcak: Brexit Measures Should Be Approved by House in March

Bratislava, January 30 (TASR) – Measures aimed at mitigating the effects of Brexit, a.k.a. Lex Brexit, should be approved by Parliament as early as in March, stated Foreign and European Affairs Minister Miroslav Lajcak (a Smer-SD nominee) after a Cabinet session on Wednesday, adding that the measures in question should be submitted to Parliament by mid-February.
A document with 23 measures that should get Slovakia ready for the event of a no-deal Brexit was negotiated and approved by the Government earlier on Wednesday.
“The [measures] concern the status of our citizens in Britain and their social rights, they concern transport, especially road and air transport. They also focus on economic co-operation and businessmen as well as on co-operation in the field of justice, security, defence and foreign affairs,” said the head of Slovak diplomacy.
Lajcak further said that the UK is leaving the EU on March 29 either with or without a deal. He pointed out that there is no majority in the British Parliament to approve the deal negotiated with the Union, so a no-deal Brexit is getting more real every day. Slovakia has to be ready for this alternative, said Lajcak.