Lajcak: There's Interest in Entering 2020 with Agreed-upon EU Budget

Strbske Pleso, October 12 (TASR) – There’s an interest in entering the year 2020 with an agreed-upon EU budget, so the negotiations might be concluded by the end of this year, Foreign and European Affairs Minister Miroslav Lajcak (a Smer-SD nominee) said at Globsec Tatra Summit 2019 held in Strbske Pleso (Presov region) on Saturday.
Lajcak views it as natural that everyone strives to assert their interests at the current stage of negotiations. “This means that those who are giving want to give less and those receiving want to get more,” noted Lajcak, adding that the issue of the cohesion and farm policies is traditionally divisive as well.
However, the finals of the negotiations will only start after the European Commission (EC) is formed, said the Slovak foreign affairs minister.
It’s momentarily a good timing to talk about European issues, “as we’re basically in the finals of the European Commission’s formation,” stated Lajcak. Nevertheless, the question is whether this all will be accomplished as planned, i.e. by November 1. Lajcak views Brexit as the biggest issue. “Following the meeting held by the British and Irish prime ministers, a hope appeared that there might be an intersection and that an agreement might be achieved,” stated Lajcak.
Concerning Turkey’s military intervention in Syria, Lajcak stressed that we cannot accept the language of blackmail. “I mean blackmailing with migrants to make us connive at an action with which we disagree. I think that the European Union should be more principal. If there are any values, any principles we believe in and push for, then we simply need to push for them in each particular case,” stated Lajcak.