Marek Krajci Ends as Health Minister, Should Step Down Gradually

Bratislava, March 11 (TASR) – I’m stepping down from my office, Health Minister Marek Krajci (OLaNO) told a press conference on Thursday, adding that two junior coalition parties conditioned remaining in the government on his resignation.
Krajci noted that he doesn’t want to make “obstructions” and is not stuck on his chair.
Prime Minister Igor Matovic (OLaNO) praised Krajci’s work at the ministry, adding that the coalition was close to disintegration. Matovic considers Krajci’s resignation to be the most absurd in history. According to him, he was often abandoned “like a finger” in the fight for people’s lives and health.
According to the premier, Krajci should step down gradually. “In these difficult times for Slovakia, I want the new minister to be together with the current minister in office for a few weeks, so that the transfer of power and responsibility is smooth so that it doesn’t affect the protection of health and lives,” added Matovic. The premier would like Krajci to leave when the vaccination with the Russian Sputnik V vaccine starts.
The name of the new minister hasn’t been announced yet, Matovic hasn’t confirmed whether it’ll be current Finance Ministry State Secretary Marcel Klimek.
Krajci thanked MPs for OLaNO who stand behind him and also the We Are Family party. He added that since For the People and Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) conditioned remaining in the government on his resignation, it would be useless and incorrect to put forward arguments. He wants the new minister to be able to do his job, to have sufficient authority in the government and not to make health a political issue.
OLaNO caucus chairman Michal Sipos said that if we had all followed Krajci’s proposals, the pandemic situation in Slovakia wouldn’t have been so bad. He stressed that the OLaNO caucus continues to stand behind Krajci and his decision. “We’re sorry that the one who wanted more measures is leaving and those who questioned everything remain,” pointed out Sipos. According to him, the party will do everything to propose an excellent new health minister.