Martin Hojsik Elected as European Parliament Vice-president
MEPs on Tuesday elected Slovak MEP Martin Hojsik from the Renew Europe (RE) liberal faction as one of the 14 vice-presidents of the European Parliament.

Strasbourg, July 16 (TASR-correspondent) - MEPs on Tuesday elected Slovak MEP Martin Hojsik from the Renew Europe (RE) liberal faction as one of the 14 vice-presidents of the European Parliament, TASR has learnt from its special correspondent.
Hojsik garnered votes from 393 MEPs, while 333 would have been enough for him to be elected. A total of 11 vice-presidents were elected in the first round, with Sabine Verheyen of the European People's Party (EPP) faction receiving the highest number of votes. Round two will now follow, in which the remaining three vice-presidential posts will be staffed.
"It's a secret ballot and nothing is certain there. So I definitely didn't take my election in the first round as a matter of course. I highly appreciate the trust I received from my colleagues. The result show that we as Progressive Slovakia are clearly anchored in the middle of what's happening in Europe. We co-shape the future of Europe and Slovakia, not sitting somewhere in a corner," Hojsik told TASR following his election.
Hojsik also served as EP vice-president in the previous term, replacing Michal Simecka in the post in 2023. Hojsik will be a part of the EP presidium that is comprised of president, 14 vice-presidents and four questors. The term in office of presidium members is 2.5 years.
In the previous term, Hojsik also operated in the EP Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) and in the Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM). He gained 89,084 preferential votes in the June EP elections, some 61,000 more than in 2019.