Matovic: I Hope For the People Will Join Gov't I'd Like to Form

Bratislava, March 3 (TASR) – The OLaNO party would appreciate it if For the People joined the government that I’d like to form, OLaNO leader Igor Matovic stated on Tuesday following a lunch with For the People head Andrej Kiska.
According to Matovic, the meeting wasn’t about persuading Kiska to join a four-party coalition but rather about preventing things that people are starting be concerned about. “We spoke about creating an anti-corruption unit that would closely monitor the behaviour of nominees and members of the government,” said Matovic.
Kiska agreed with this idea but reiterated that he’d prefer a government without Boris Kollar’s We Are Family, although he understands Matovic’s wish to obtain a constitutional majority in Parliament. Kiska conceded that there are members of his party that have their doubts about “certain names and facts” connected to We Are Family. “We’ve scheduled another meeting within two days that will take place before our own [party] meeting due to be held on Thursday that is meant to authorise me to hold talks on joining the next government. I asked Matovic questions to which I want answers,” said Kiska.
Regarding bringing up ethical and value-oriented matters, Matovic stated that this will depend on agreement between the coalition parties. “OLaNO won’t join a government that intends to push through registered same-sex partnerships or more liberal drug policies, for example. Yes, there are questions concerning increased protection of life for which we think that MPs shouldn’t be limited in proposing bills. However, we want to assure the more liberal part of the public that we don’t mean to create the impression that we want to return to the Middle Ages, adopting stuff that would be the Achilles heel of the future coalition,” stated Matovic.