Matovic in Warsaw: Poland Example for Slovakia in Fighting Corruption

Warsaw, July 3 (TASR-correspondent) – Poland was a model for Slovakia in fighting communism, and now Poland is a model for Europe, especially Eastern and Central Europe, in fighting corruption and drawing EU funds, from which Slovakia wants to learn, Slovak Prime Minister Igor Matovic (OLaNO) said on Friday at his meeting with Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki in Warsaw as part of his first visit to the country in office.
Matovic noted that he invited Vice-premier and Minister of Investments, Regional Development and Informatisation Veronika Remisova (For the People) to accompany him on this foreign visit. He did so precisely because at the European Commission “we only hear good things about Poland”, how it’s managed to draw European funds.
“We want to learn a lesson in this area. Unfortunately, Slovakia has big problems with drawing EU funds and the corruption associated with their absorption,” said Matovic.
Morawiecki highlighted close relations with Slovakia, which according to him are developing in a friendly way. The development of trade between the two countries came to a halt with the novel coronavirus outbreak but is gradually resuming, he added. At the same time he invited Slovak investors as well as tourists to Poland.
After the bilateral meeting the two premiers travelled from the building of the Government Office to Belweder Palace in order to attend a meeting of the premiers of the Visegrad Four (V4) countries (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia).