Matovic: Mafia Cowers in Fear at Possibility of Lipsic Becoming Top Prosecutor

Bratislava, May 7 (TASR) – The [political] mafia fears greatly that Daniel Lipsic might “go for its throat” if elected the next Prosecutor-General, Prime Minister Igor Matovic (OLaNO) declared after a session of the Government on Thursday.
Matovic replied this way to the question posed by journalists as to whether the coalition is not intending to change the law in a purpose-built manner, tailor-suited to Daniel Lipsic. Matovic emphasised that the mafia would do anything just to cast doubt over Lipsic.
In this context, the Prime Minister pointed also to the Government’s Manifesto.
“If we observe the Manifesto closely, then we should widen the circle of eligible candidates,” he claimed, adding that all applicants with legal education should be made eligible.
The Government Manifesto proposes the election of Prosecutor-General to be guided by the standards employed in the election of Constitutional Court judges. Under new rules, the judge hopefuls are not required to be judges by profession. Matovic hopes that other “courageous” entrants join the open selection proceedings for the post as well.