Ministry Awards 'Family- and Gender-Friendly' Companies

Ministry Awards 'Family- and Gender-Friendly' Companies

Bratislava, April 26 (TASR) – The Labour, Social Affairs and the Family Ministry (MPSVR) has awarded four ’employee-friendly’ employers on Tuesday, TASR learnt on the same day.

The ceremony was held in Bratislava as part of the 13th year of the ‘Employers being friendly towards employees, gender equality and equal opportunities’ competition, the main objectives of which is to raise public awareness about the need to harmonise work and family life, and promoting women in top positions.

“For the 13th time today, we have the opportunity to award those firms, which, apart from their business, care more about their employees than others,” said ministry State Secretary Branislav Ondrus (Smer-SD).

In the category of support for work and family life synchronisation, first place went to gas utility SPP, especially for the operation of its kindergarten, flexible working hours, benefits for support of families and a four-hour leave note per month for carrying out private and family matters.

The Finance Ministry came second in this category for flexible working hours, more time-off for parents with young children, permanent contact with employees on parental leave as well as for a 50-percent representation of women in top management and a 47-percent representation of women in middle management.

In the category of support for gender equality and gender-balanced representation of women in management positions, IBM International Services Centre took first place. It won mostly for the 50-percent representation of women in top management and a 47-percent representation of women in middle management, also thanks to workshops for mothers and fathers going on parental leave and specialised events for families with children.

Topvar Brewery (Pivovary Topvar) won second place in this category, having one third of women in top management and 35 percent in middle management. It also provides allowances for the care of pre-school children and an internal procedure for sexual harassment complaints.