Ministry Launches New Project in Field of Nursing Services for €100 million
The Labour and Social Affairs Ministry is launching a new project in the field of nursing services, Labour and Social Affairs Minister Erik Tomas (Voice-SD) told a news conference on Wednesday.

Bratislava, February 7 (TASR) - The Labour and Social Affairs Ministry is launching a new project in the field of nursing services, Labour and Social Affairs Minister Erik Tomas (Voice-SD) told a news conference on Wednesday.
The total cost of the project will be €100 million, and it should help almost 13,000 people.
The project is planned for two years. Tomas said that a comprehensive reform of social-care services has to be launched by January 1, 2026 under the recovery plan. Its basic principle will be that the dependent person will receive a single allowance and decide what to use it for. The new project is intended to help people until the new reform is in place.
The number of nurses should be increased during the transition period so that there will be sufficient capacities as of 2026. "The project is valid as of January 1 of this year. Those who succeed with their applications will have their costs refunded retroactively as of January 1," said Tomas.
Ministry State Secretary Branislav Ondrus said that the project will be divided into two parts. In the first part, €1.5 million has been earmarked for entities that failed to apply under the call by the end of last November.
"We'll retroactively reimburse the costs incurred to municipalities, charitable and non-governmental organisations that have provided care services at their own expense. As early as today, the Labour, Social Affairs and the Family Centre will publish an announcement inviting eligible entities to file applications for the retroactive refunding of expenses," said Ondrus.
Support amounting to over €91 million has been prepared within the second part. It covers the period from January 1 of this year until December 2025. Municipalities, NGOs and charities will have until March 4 to apply for financial contributions within it. At the same time, they will be eligible for their costs to be retroactively refunded as of January 1.
The financial aid will be automatically provided throughout the whole period during which the contract between the ministry and the provider is valid. "All applicants for this form of support must be registered home-care providers," added Ondrus.