Mistrik Gives Up Presidential Race in Favour of Caputova, Wants Change for Slovakia

Bratislava, February 26 (TASR) – Robert Mistrik at a joint news conference with Zuzana Caputova on Tuesday said that he’s withdrawing his candidacy for the post of Slovak president in Caputova’s favour.
Mistrik said that he’s decided responsibly after difficult considerations and based on information confirming that Caputova had more support than him. He stated that he cares for Slovakia and not his own benefit and believes that his decision will contribute towards change in Slovakia. Caputova thanked him for his move.
The first round of the presidential election will be held on March 16, with a possible second round, if the head of state isn’t elected in the first one, slated to take place on March 30.
The list of candidates in alphabetical order now includes: Bela Bugar, Zuzana Caputova, Martin Dano, Stefan Harabin, Eduard Chmelar, Marian Kotleba, Milan Krajniak, Frantisek Miklosko, Maros Sefcovic, Robert Svec, Bohumila Tauchmannova, Juraj Zabojnik and Ivan Zuzula.