Monitor: Defence Minister Nad Considering Leaving Politics

Bratislava, August 7 (TASR) – Speaking at a summer festival at the weekend, Defence Minister Jaroslav Nad (OLaNO) claimed that he’s considering leaving politics because he’s disgusted with it, Dennik N daily has reported.
Nad maintained that he’s informed both Prime Minister Eduard Heger (OLaNO) and OLaNO leader and Finance Minister Igor Matovic about his thoughts. “I will never be someone who is not loyal, but if I decide to leave politics, I will leave for good. It could happen tomorrow, I’m fed up with it. Honestly speaking, I’m really considering what I should do next,” Nad said.
The minister explained that he doesn’t like the fact that some political leaders put party or personal priorities above Slovakia’s priorities, adding that he’s been also disappointed by certain recent moves by OLaNO MPs, such as Juraj Krupa’s decision to leave the OLaNO caucus to join the SaS caucus.