MP Zitnanska Looks into Mistreatment at Shady Care Home in Hronovce

Hronovce, December 22 (TASR) – The alleged mistreatment of residents in a shady care home in Hronovce (Nitra region) has caught the attention of parliamentary social affairs committee chair Jana Zitnanska (For the People), who’s asked the mayor of Hronovce, the regional public health authority and Labour, Social Affairs and the Family Minister Milan Krajniak (We Are Family) to look into the issue.
As noted by Zitnanska, civic association ‘Warmth of Home’, which runs the care home, wasn’t registered as a provider of social services, but instead took in residents based only on rental contracts. Zitnanska asked Krajniak to examine whether there are any other such facilities.
The police recently searched Warmth of Home, finding ten people aged 46-70 with various illnesses. The temperature inside the care home was measured at between 8.4 and 18.4 degrees Celsius, with badly smelling rooms full of clutter, insects, mould on the walls and animal excrement all discovered.
“In addition, the residents didn’t receive enough food, proper hygiene or clean clothing. Some of them were suffering from skin diseases and were inappropriately handled,” stated the police, adding that the woman who owns the facility has been arrested.