MPs to Continue Discussion on Matovic's Ouster on Thursday Morning

Bratislava, September 28 (TASR) – MPs will continue the debate on the proposal to dismiss Igor Matovic (OLaNO) from the post of finance minister on Thursday (September 29) from 9 a.m.
The extraordinary meeting on this point began on Wednesday afternoon, several MPs as well as the finance minister made a speech. Two more lawmakers are set to make an appearance.
Matovic said in the debate that the government’s decisions are collective, and if Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) criticises something, it also criticises itself. Matovic called the justification of the proposal “a bunch of fables, manipulations and fabrications”. He would like the Liberals to return to the coalition, scrap their red lines and admit they were wrong. He underlined the need to solve the current energy crisis.
SaS chairman and MP Richard Sulik said that during the speech of Finance Minister Igor Matovic in Parliament he was really glad that SaS left the coalition and added that he was amazed at how they were able to persist there for two and a half years. Sulik further stated that if Matovic were ousted, they’re ready to hold talks with Prime Minister Eduard Heger (OLaNO), pointing out that if he isn’t ousted, there will almost certainly not be an early election.
Meanwhile, Independent MP and head of the extra-parliamentary Voice-SD party Peter Pellegrini said that OLaNO leader Igor Matovic should be ousted from the post of finance minister, so that he can’t further harm Slovakia; if nothing is done, it’s possible that the minority government will function until the end of the election term in 2024. The ex-premier stressed that MPs working in Voice-SD will support the proposal. Pellegrini noted that the laws are being passed in parliament despite the exit of Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) from the government. “His ouster would be the first big hole in their boat,” he said, commenting on Matovic.
Smer-SD leader Robert Fico stated that all 27 MPs of his opposition party will vote for the proposal to oust OLaNO leader Igor Matovic from the post of finance minister; they will also be present at the meeting. Fico called on Smer-SD lawmakers not to get too involved in the debate. According to him, the meeting will be a battle between Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) and OLaNO. He believes that the meeting will be a show, adding that it’s impossible to negotiate with Matovic.
Earlier in the day, the Government stated that it disagrees with the no-confidence motion in Finance Minister Matovic initiated in Parliament by the SaS party. The Government perceives the motion as groundless, with its arguments already refuted. The SaS party submitters claim that approving Matovic’s set of measures to aid families in the face of extraordinary inflation flew in the face of the Constitution, laws and democratic principles. The Government insists that the aid was necessary and the fast-tracked procedure used warranted.