Nad: SNS Party Ignored NATO Force Integration Unit Slovakia

Bratislava, May 19 (TASR) – The Slovak National Party (SNS) that governed the Defence Ministry in the previous government (2016-20) ignored the existence of the NATO Force Integration Unit Slovakia (NFIU SVK), Defence Minister Jaroslav Nad (OLaNO) stated after his visit to the NFIU SVK on Tuesday.
The triangle made of the Defence Ministry, Foreign and European Affairs Ministry and NFIU SVK should engage in close cooperation and the result should be visible to the public, claimed Nad, who believes that such a collaboration should be reflected in public events, professional seminars, conferences and via NGOs. “All of that was severely limited due to the political stance of my predecessor and political party that nominated him, however,” he pointed out.
Because of SNS’ lukewarm approach to NATO, cooperation went only two ways between the foreign affairs ministry and NFIU, added Nad.
“It turns out very clearly that a few foreign military experts on defence planning and logistics are active in Slovakia, lending a helping hand to our troops and the chief of staff. No one is under any impression that we have a foreign occupying base here that wishes us harm,” claimed Nad, adding that NATO membership provides a foundation for Slovakia’s security.
The sentiment was echoed by chief of Slovak diplomacy Ivan Korcok (SaS nominee) who claimed that it’s only natural for a NATO unit to be stationed in Slovakia, in light of Slovakia’s NATO membership. He also pointed out that NATO presence is required due to the deteriorating security situation in the post-2014 world. “It’s necessary to talk with the people in Slovakia and explain to them that this is part of our defence, naturally guaranteed via NATO,” he said.