National Cycling Centre for almost €30 mn Could Appear in Slovakia

Bratislava, March 4 (TASR) – A National Cycling Centre might be set up in Slovakia, located in Orechova Poton (Trnava region), with the Finance Ministry proposing to allocate €29.9 million for this purpose, according to a document published by the ministry on the Slov-lex website.
“The main aim of the project is to build a multi-purpose cycle complex enabling all-season cycling activities (road cycling, BMX, track cycling, mountain biking, cyclocross, cyclotrial and indoor cycling,” reads the ministry’s proposal, which has undergone interdepartmental review ending on Monday.
The centre would expand training opportunities for professional sportsmen and at the same time provide amateurs and families with a safe space for active leisure time. The centre should also serve for organising local and international sports events.
A service, regeneration and accommodation-catering centre should be linked to sports facilities and premises that would meet international standards. Cycling paths are set to be built in the area so that the centre will be accessible by bike.
The construction of the centre should be financed via a special-purpose subsidy. “If implementing the project requires higher costs, these will be covered by the Slovak Cycling Association and a bank loan,” reads the ministry’s proposal. The subsidy should be drawn for the 2019-23 period.