New Ministers Unveil Their Priorities

Bratislava, May 15 (TASR) - New government members unveiled their priorities at a press conference held on Monday, after President Zuzana Caputova appointed the Cabinet of experts into office.
Vice-premier responsible for the Recovery Plan and EU Funds Livia Vasakova wants the EU money to be used in the most efficient possible fashion.
According to new chief of Slovak diplomacy Miroslav Wlachovsky, the Slovak foreign policy will continue to be clear, intelligible and values-based, placing emphasis on the promotion of Slovak interests in the world.
Defence Minister Martin Sklenar declared that Slovakia will continue to support Ukraine and cooperate with its EU and NATO allies in ongoing projects.
Interior Minister Ivan Simko intends to provide stability for law enforcement and continue the "fight for the cleansing of public life". "We will put the law first, ahead of politics," he added.
The Economy Ministry under the leadership of Peter Dovhun plans to implement a series of measures to cushion the impacts of the energy crisis.
In the view of Finance Minister Michal Horvath, Slovakia is a country indebted to a large degree and he plans to present a plan to remedy the situation.
Transport Minister Pavol Lancaric signalled that he will approach the work ahead of him with maximum respect. "There's a lot of processes, projects, a lot of our common money and these must be taken good care of appropriately," he claimed.
Agriculture and Rural Development Minister Jozef Bires plans to deal with the soaring prices of foodstuffs and imports of Ukrainian commodities.
Investment Minister Peter Balik wants to make sure the European money is drawn in the most efficient way possible and launch projects in the sphere of digitisation and informatisation.
Justice Minister Jana Dubovcova plans to address urgent problems, complete the reform of the judiciary and projects of the Recovery Plan.