Nine 'For the People' Representatives Object to Nixing of Lehotsky's Bid

Nine 'For the People' Representatives Object to Nixing of Lehotsky's Bid

Bratislava, June 2 (TASR) – Nine representatives of ‘For the People’ party object to the motion, lodged by chair Veronika Remisova, to withdraw the nomination of Tomas Lehotsky as Parliamentary Vice-chair, MP Vladimir Ledecky (For the People) informed TASR on Wednesday.

According to Ledecky, this move wasn’t preceded by any discussion within the party. The faction centred around Justice Minister Maria Kolikova urged Remisova to refrain from escalating the conflict and will discuss the situation directly with coalition partners.

Among the nine lawmakers objecting are vice-chairs Juraj Seliga, Jana Zitnanska, Michal Luciak, Maria Kolikova and Ledecky as well as MPs Lehotsky, Jan Bencik, Marek Hattas and Vladimira Marcinkova.

“We object to Veronika Remisova withdrawing the motion of the ‘For the People’ party to nominate Tomas Lehotsky to the post of parliamentary vice-chair. We learnt of this decision only from the media,” reads the declaration.

The text pointed out that the MPs’ caucus has expressed its unanimous support to Lehotsky’s nomination.

In their view, Remisova shouldn’t make decisions in the name of the entire party and pass over the head of caucus chair Jana Zitnanska, who has submitted the motion on behalf of the entire caucus.

Earlier in the day, Remisova apprised coalition partners of her decision to withdraw Lehotsky’s candidacy, following a dispute within the party, when Kolikova’s faction voiced no-confidence in Remisova.