Odor: Slovakia at EU's Tail-end in Many Indicators, It Needs to Change

Bratislava, May 23 (TASR) - Slovakia Slovakia is at the tail-end of the EU in several indicators of science, research and innovation and this lagging needs to be systematically addressed, caretaker Premier Ludovit Odor said while presenting the 2030 National Science, Research and Innovation Strategy on Tuesday.
One of the principles is transparent allocation of funds under clear criteria and rewarding those who achieve results.
"Not only will we put more money into research, development and innovation, retaining and attracting talents, but we also want to better remunerate those who are efficient and can drag Slovakia into the 21st century," said Odor. According to him, the national strategy is a roadmap for seven years in advance, which goes beyond one political cycle. However, even good ideas often ended up in the past, since there was no political will to continue them, added the premier.
Odor pointed to the fact that 22 percent of university students study outside Slovakia, and less than half of them want to return home. Therefore, there's no other way but to change the attitude towards talents and innovation, stated the premier. He praised the fact that innovation support has a single coordinator, namely the Research and Innovation Authority.