OLaNO Wins General Election in Slovakia; RTVS Exit Poll

Bratislava, March 1 (TASR) – Opposition party OLaNO most likely won the general election in Slovakia on Saturday on 25.3 percent, ahead of hitherto the strongest governing party Smer-SD on 13.9 percent, and extra-parliamentary Progressive Slovakia-Together and the far-right People’s Party Our Slovakia (LSNS) on 8.8 percent each, according to an exit poll carried out by Median SK agency on behalf of public-service Radio and Television Slovakia (RTVS).
The fifth place was likely taken by Opposition party We Are Family (7.5 percent), Freedom and Solidarity/SaS (6.4 percent), For the Family (5.6 percent) and the Christian Democrats/KDH (5 percent).
No other party seems to have made it into Parliament.